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Connecting a mobile device to Pick-IT ASP

A mobile device can access Pick-IT ASP using Internet Explorer (IE). Just start IE on the device and browse to the server URL where Pick-IT ASP is running. Of course, the RF (WLAN) connection must have been configured on the mobile device to allow access. This WLAN configuration differs per device, refer to the device product documentation.

When a mobile device connects for the first time to the Pick-IT URL (for example http://server01/pickit), Pick-IT will ask for the model and type, to establish which screen resolution can be used. A 'new' device is recognized by it's MAC address which is saved on the IIS server in the file TERMINALS.CONFIG. So the next time the device connects, Pick-IT will look up the MAC address in this file and use the previous set configuration.

Please choose the model you use, or choose Generic/QVGA (VGA=640x480, QVGA=320x240, QQVGA=120x160)


The MAC address may be saved as "00-00-00-00-00-00", this means that the device MAC address cannot be determined by Pick-IT. In that case, all devices which cannot be 'detected', will use the configuration for this default MAC address.

19.340.948 - How to force specific MAC address, device model or resolution in Pick-IT.ASP

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: temporary  Document ID: 19.520.196
 Assortment:  Date: 02-10-2009
 Release:  Attachment: